New paternity modalities

While the patriarchal masculinity model continues to prevail in Cuba, new paternity modalities are now being given greater visibility, experts believe.

A meeting along these lines was held parallel to a forum of the Oscar A. Romero (OAR) Reflection and Solidarity Group.

Ramón Rivero, deputy-director of the National Sex Education Center (CENESEX), indicated that Cuban men are finally taking up new roles.

Yamila González, a professor at the University of Havana’s Law School, said that there is a need to formulate and implement policies that help support families, especially fathers, and promote a change of mind.

In her view, issues to be addressed include the role of grandparents, the recognition of same-sex couples, and the training of jurists.

Ariel R. Arcaute, a psychologist working for the Family Study Group at the National Psychological and Sociological Research Center (CIPS), recalled that homosexuals have no access to assisted reproduction and adoption.

Over 85 percent of respondents in a survey he recently conducted said that the Cuban society is not yet prepared to accept same-sex-couple families.

Meeting participants highlighted the need to discuss these issues at communities and pave the way for further social and cultural changes on the island.

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