A play on women’s sexuality

The play Vaginas was opened last month at the Bertold Bretch Theater, under the project Women: a Source of Creation.

Actor and director Osvaldo Doimeadiós adapted the play by American feminist Eve Ensler, incorporating autobiographical experiences of local actresses Monse Duany, Yordanka Ariosa, and Linnett Hernández.

«The original text has been translated into 45 languages, and the play has been staged in over 120 countries,» Doimeadiós recalled.

«Our play deals with sexual and psychological violence against women and questions taboos about eroticism, masturbation, menstruation and delivery,» he added.

«It includes humor and music, and promotes interaction with the audience,» he remarked.

«I always wanted to involve men because everybody should reflect on and work for gender equality,» he noted.

Critic Bárbara Domínguez feels that self-recognition of women’s pleasures becomes an act of true liberation.

«The idea is to re-work and improve on some passages for performances next month,» Hernández anticipated.

Duany, who manages the project of the National Council for the Performing Arts, told SEMlac that the fact that only black women go on stage is unprecedented in Cuba.

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